UX/UI Mobile App- Graphic Design - Concept - Flow
Go Out.Live is an application prototype created to solve the problem of how to look for things to do in a connected city.

Because of limited time to complete this project (2 weekends), our team devised a a set of questions that we sent out through our social channels. This survey allowed us to determine the following;
• How far people are willing to travel to find good entertainment
•What kind of venues they visit when they go out
•Approximate spend per person when they go out
•How they currently find things to do
This allowed our team to review the data, and put together a refined walk through of what people wanted in an application like this.
Due to time constraints, we did not have time for user testing, but we did invite other contestants to come view our work and provide feedback.
"I need this now!"
"Why is this not a thing already?"
"I like the way you guys set it up!"
"The sketches are great, can I have one? I want to frame it."

Design Flow for Mobile Application
Adobe XD

Interactive Prototype
Adobe XD